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Best Ever Santali Shayari 220+ Santali shayari
Best Ever Santali Shayari 220+ Santali shayari

Best Ever Santali Shayari 220+ Santali shayari

After descending from the highway, I walked about 6-8 km into the Nighanch forest and fell into my childhood holiday home, the village of the Hirakud Dam, my uncle's house. It was not easy before my uncle went home. Mother Verika had to report a month before she left Sambalpur. A cart on top of the cart and the straw and thorns in the seat are tied and a thick ox is tied and the cart comes to pick it up. And we either walked away or already informed who was coming from the village to take the bike. The path is not known within the coolness of the forest. 

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Yeah Al that sounds pretty crap to me, Looks like BT aint for me either. Once upon a time, when the cart was on its way, the bear shouted, "The ox is still there." The hips were completely cut off. Even today, the water in the backyard of my uncle's house and the taste of my uncle's house, the village pot, are still in my mouth. When I can't find anything on a dry day, I like to eat wild vegetables, shulha (dried eggplants), khada, badi, bilati potato ganta vegetables with a variety of leti (small sucked mangoes) and then spend the afternoon in the dhaba (khamar) house. 

Read :- Odia shayari for your girlfriend

My uncle's house is at the beginning of the village. As soon as they enter the house, the cows and goats cave on the other side. A stolen house. For women, diarrhea is the last resort. Male children are not in the bush if they are in the field. 

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The people of the village use drinking water from the wells around my uncle's house. There are 4 huge pine trees in Baripat. My uncle sells 1 truckload of money a year at home. Aja used to grow a lot of vegetables and sell rice. Other aunts' children still call it Aja's house today.

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Of the five aunts, I probably enjoyed my uncle's home village, while others did not. I have had a mentality since childhood as to why I fall in love with nature. I woke up early in the morning and walked around the woods with a pair of half-pants and a t-shirt and a towel around my waist. From the day I was born to the 10th grade, I used to camp in my uncle's village on almost every dry holiday. Aja, a retired school teacher, was best known as a village doctor. 

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When he went into the forest with him, he described the quality of the tree, the quality of the tree, and the rules for its use and collection. Khera Baba was working as his guti (farm worker). I don’t know her good name to this day, but I gave her the name ‘Khera Baba’ because Thekua (Khera) killed and fed me. He is a Kandha. You also address my uncle. But a very loving family. In the West, the village is known as the nephew and cousin of a village in every village.


On my way to my uncle's house in the village, many people grow cucumbers (cucumbers, etc.) inside the Jor (hilly canal). Khera Baba also grows dry cucumbers and watermelons. His wife and children help him with his work. At other times, sitting at home makes the bidi stronger. 

Her world with 2 daughters and a son. "It simply came to our notice then that we had not eaten anything from her garden. My grandson says he ate. I dropped out in tenth grade. So he tells my uncle - 'Hey, the boy is not a Brahmin, Tael, leave my house and he will eat a little bit of mouse meat' (santali shayari). Aja also informs her mother - "Let's eat and come." 

I ate a lot of wild cheese in his house. Her two daughters are much older than me. The son is my friend - no Gultu. What happens when a friend is sarcastic? "Santali shayari image" I call him uncle and his wife as mother. Why did my uncle's face smell so bad when I was a kid? So how awkward it is to talk to her.

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Their 8 types of santali shayari are very popular in odisha, west bengal and other eart India sides hills areas. Thease are:

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  2. Love Shayari
  3. Sad Shayari
  4. Santali Poem
  5. Folk santali
  6. Traditional dular
  7. Sangat santali rajikhusi
  8. Bablu hansad traditional lory

My uncle passed away when I was in 10th grade, and then how did I get back to my village? Year after year passed. In the meantime, I'm going out and reading to my son. Suddenly one day my uncle remembered the village. I took my son out to my uncle's house village. I heard that the bus is now running to the village. 

The father and son got on the bus. As I approach the village, I see that there are no signs of the forest. Everything is as it should be. I asked someone - 'Hey baby where did the forest go?' "Babu, there will be a factory here, no forest or land .... nothing will be found," 

Batoiti replied. I fell off the highway. I thought I'd walk away or ask someone for a bicycle. Unbeknownst to anyone, I got back in my pickup van, which was passing by my uncle's house.


 On the way, he asked, "Where did Khera Baba do something?" But I didn't get any marks. Village roads are no longer recognized. The road to a clean environment is buried in the smoke of large trucks carrying soil and other materials for the so-called factory, as well as the unbearable dust of the road. Whatever it was, I reached the village with great difficulty. In the mango bureaus (garden), 100 meters from the village, the van overturned and crossed the road to another village.

There were no signs of a mango tree either. Homes are also unrecognizable. Instead of the previous mud house, there were all the concrete houses. Khera Baba's house in front of Aja's house was also paved. Since there was no one in my uncle's house, "best ever santali shayari" my uncle's house key was next to Khera Baba's. I knew he was in charge of all the farms in my uncle's house. So I went to her house first. Seeing me, Dad got a millionaire. He shouted at everyone, "Come on, let's see, my son.

Twelve have come home ... My lord has come (see my son) Come and see '. My son didn't understand, he just looked at me. Dad picked up my son and walked into the house. I followed her into the house. The old woman came and kissed my son's face and kissed him (santali shayari status for whatsapp dp). At this point, Gultu Mamu's new wife came to the door with her daughter and beat me on the head (Brahmin in the caste). When I refused, the old man said, "Hey, the boy was a Brahmin at the time." 

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Don't get me wrong. The Brahmins killed him again. I didn't say anything. But he puts my child in bed and keeps asking a lot of questions - 'Why are you reading? How much did you pay? Who is your reader or R? Where did your mother come from? ' So many questions. The son responds. Some time later, I asked Uttar Pradesh - 'Dad, where did your bair (garden) go ... Aiz Kail Kana, what else can I do?' The old man laughed ..... said - 'Hey, boy, do you have a garden or a garden ... all you do is eat dust. 

Fer and Ball Buta Nai Lagbar K. Old Helen. Your uncle is gone and Nigha nods. Tell me where to work in the factory. ' I was silent. I took the key from her and went to my uncle's house.


 After a long time in the well, I took a bath and sat on the porch of the house. My uncle used to have no lights in his house, but now there are lights in the village (even though they are burning). Someone brought a fan and planted one. After a long time, Dad came. Said - 'Hey baby how are we going to eat?' I said, "Daddy, why don't you put me in your house?" 

The old man said to me, "Shall we eat the hand-cooked kenta of the child of your Brahmin house?" I said again - 'How much did you eat at home as a child, what would be the problem if you ate today?' The old man replied, "At that time, you were bowing down, we were eating ... we will eat again today." I said - 'If you eat at home, my father will not be killed .... but my mind will find peace. "If we can burn some, we can add a little bit of leprosy." The old man was very happy and went home to collect food for me and bring it at night.

In the evening, I took my son into the village to visit others. I saw a radical change in the village. I am amazed at the eggshells in the village and the television in each of the houses and the two liquor shops in the village. Why did it feel so bad to walk around so long? 

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I came back home. At around 7-8 pm, the old woman asked, "Where are you going to eat your son? Let's take your mother to eat." When I said yes, he shouted and reported the house to me, and sat down next to me. I want to talk to her too. Pakhal Khia keeps asking friends about the village. When I saw the mangoes on the market with carbohydrates, I asked - 'Hey, Baba E Leti, why did you go and bring your mangoes?' 

The old man said - 'Where did you get the tree? As far as V Gute Jude Ken Jhar is concerned, Seta V Dukal (rare) Helan. Where are you looking for, Sahariya Lok and Leti? ' I laughed. I asked again - 'Agho Gaan Thi Kukra Egg Khujle Nai Miluthai. Alcohol is far from over. That's the decent thing to do, and it should end there. 

" The old man said, "Boy, did you think our village was a sacrifice ... get what you want." Alcoholism ... everything. After your uncle Heibo brought a gute photofoot (a motorcycle) that kept him going and kept the gute diver alive. ' I was completely overwhelmed. He looked at my son and said, "You are reading Po Po Kana. In Gute Kana Narsari School is opening. You see, my nate is gone, sir, and I want to talk to you in English. We think of Kana Bali .... Gaulia .... Seeing is happening. ' I didn't say anything.

The next morning, the father and son left for Sambalpur. About three years later, I returned to find the old woman and her daughter dead. The old man grabbed me and cried. Said - 'Ka karmi puta, your uncle R. munus haikari naina.


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"It simply came to our notice then. Why did the drunk learn that everything was ruined? The landlord, Yen, had two hands in his possession, and the Vicky Factory paid for the money. Yenta reduced the weight and kept the gold jewelry, but it didn't go away. Why don't I do it, old man? Vuassen is beating and beating. I think when Will is taking over Kenta Hoody, he's going to kill R. 

I'm done, son. ' I continue to comfort the old man. Old but crying. After a long time, the old man became silent. He asked me - 'Hey son, you can do great things after science! Can people stop protesting later? ' I did not understand. I asked - 'Why did we ask?' 

The old man said, "Son, this is Nai Heta - Purathi Ghai Ulta Ghurata and our village is Fer Ghai Aghar village." "We were in a mud house in the middle of the forest, where there was no electricity. I was speechless. In my mind's eye, that former form of my uncle's house village was trying to make me cry and say - the earth would not have turned back.

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