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Tree Plantation Essay in Odia

Tree Plantation Essay in Odia

Tree Plantation Essay in Odia, Tree Plantation Essay in Odia Pdf Download: There are many reasons behind why tree plantation is important. One of the main reasons is that trees provide life-giving oxygen without which the existence of mankind is impossible.

Trees give life-giving oxygen: A famous saying goes like this, "Imagine how many trees we would plant if trees gave WiFi signal, maybe we would save the planet. Very sad they only produce oxygen". How sad that we have become so accustomed to technology that we ignore the harmful effects it has on our environment. Not only is the use of technology destroying nature but it is also alienating us from it.

Tree Plantation Essay in Odia

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If we really want to survive and make a good living then more and more trees should be planted. In addition to taking in oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide, trees absorb other harmful gases from the environment, making the air pure and fresh. The greener the trees, the more oxygen it will produce and the more toxic gases it will absorb.

The level of pollution is increasing very much these days. The only way to fight this is to plant more and more trees. For example, areas surrounded by trees, villages and forests promote a pure environment. This is because these are areas affected by less pollution. On the other hand, urban residential and industrial areas have poor quality air due to poor pollution and low number of trees.


The importance of tree plantation is so obvious yet there are only a handful of people who actually take a pledge to engage in this activity. The rest are so engrossed in their lives that they do not understand that without enough trees we will not be able to survive for long. This is the right time when we should recognize the importance of tree plantation and contribute towards it.

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